So you've decided to buy or sell a condo or apartment with a view of the Toronto skyline. You've already decided to hire a professional moving company like Friendly City Movers. After you've decided on your moving dates, there's one last step that many condo and apartment tenants overlook or leave too late, resulting in a delayed, inefficient, and expensive move:

Although some condo and apartment buildings have special service elevators, the majority of them have a service mode that will be activated for the length of your relocation. This implies that the elevator is only available to you and your movers.
To make a reservation, you must contact building management or the concierge and request a reservation or fill out an application detailing the day and time you will use the elevator.
Management now charges a damage deposit and conducts a pre- and post-inspection as standard procedure. Your elevator reservation may be paid per the hour in some situations. It's critical to examine your building's unique policy and budget for any prospective costs. Also, keep in mind that if you're going into a new building with new management, the rules may alter.
TIMING IS ESSENTIAL: Don't underestimate the amount of time necessary for your service elevator reservation; always schedule the elevator for the duration your moving company estimates. If another tenant has an elevator reservation at the new site after you, you'll have to wait for them to finish before continuing your transfer. This circumstance would be both difficult and costly, since you would have to pay your movers for the time they would be waiting.
Furthermore, if you can only hire your elevator for a portion of the time estimated for your move, your moving company may need to send additional movers to complete the job on time, which may raise your moving prices. Service elevators in some buildings connect the loading area to the main building through parking spaces or other distances.
Finally, make a reservation for the elevator well in advance. Keep in mind that the optimal time to use the elevator is between the hours of 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., when the majority of condo residents are gone. You'll be well-prepared for your relocation in Canada if you follow these suggestions!
For more tips, tricks and moving magic, please visit your team at #friendlycitymovers
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