In todays blog post, we'll go over the basics of how to move a china cabinet.
Whatever you name it, the China Cabinet, Break Front, or Hoosier Cabinet, one thing is certain: it's large, heavy, and delicate, making it one of the more difficult parts to move properly and securely. Let's get that thing moving now.

It's rather substantial. It must be emptied.
The first step would be to eliminate the contents, which may seem self-evident. Especially considering it's presumably loaded with china or other emotional knickknacks that you treasure. Even if the contents aren't delicate, you should remove them since it's surprising how simple it is to chip or blemish the inside of the cabinet, much alone break the glass, especially if it's an older piece.
Even if you want to have experts pack your belongings, you need find a means to combine them and store them safely. You don't want anything delicate lying about, since we all know that's a recipe for catastrophe. Crunch in a step-by-step manner.
It's rather large. Take it apart.
Okay. Now that you've got everything out of the way, it's time to try to deconstruct the item as much as possible. Keep in mind that some parts are more likely to break down than others, and that newer versions are frequently easier to dismantle than older models. In certain situations, these parts may be stripped down to their bare bones: hutch, base, and crown moulding.
But this isn't always the case... so don't push it and remember to err on the side of safety and leave anything you don't feel comfortable dismantling to the pros at Ship Smart. Simply do what makes you feel at ease. can do, as well as what is ideal for the piece. hinges. Make careful to save all of the hardware once it's been dismantled. Labeling which gear belongs where may be useful (ex. these are the screws for the top left side). You'd be shocked how quickly what appears to be a simple Rubik's cube becomes a Sudoku-covered Rubik's cube. There. There. Will. Be. Tears.
Although this article is geared at refurbishing, I found the procedures to dismantle furniture to be straightforward and easy to understand:
It's delicate. Wrap it with a towel.
If you're moving the item locally, I'd recommend wrapping the cabinet in blankets and wrapping the extremely fragile glass in bubble wrap. This will ensure that these parts are protected as much as possible during the move. If Friendly City Movers is moving the cabinet, you can leave the cushioning and packing to us to ensure that your property is completely insured!
It's inconvenient. Seek assistance.
It can be frightening, but it doesn't have to be. Friendly City Movers is a small move industry leader, and we'll take the worry out of delivering your cabinet to your new house safely. Contact a representative who will be happy to answer any and all of your questions about moving your China Cabinet.
For more tips, tricks and talent, visit your team at #friendlycitymovers
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