I hope this post finds each and every one of our customers, past and present, in good health during these troubled times. As you all may know, there will be many changes affecting small and large business all across Canada as a whole. Things like shutdowns, changed hours and rescheduling will all play their part during the pandemic. At Friendly City Movers, we will be remaining open for business, moving our customers until there is a legal mandatory shutdown enforced. We understand that these moving dates are important, with real estate closures being very difficult to postpone and rearrange. Until any mandatory shutdown is enforced, we'll continue with our schedule. What we do ask for our customers, is to contact us during this time with any information, questions and concerns. We want our scheduled moves to be completed as usual, so we can move passed this together. So, we hope everyone stays safe, healthy, and remember to enjoy your time together during these uncertain times. Friendly City Movers

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